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Mineralöl {n}oil
Öl {n}
   ohne Öl
   Öl ablassen
   Öl ins Feuer gießen [übtr.]
   to discharge oil; to discharge oily mixture
   to add fuel to the fire
einölen {vt}
to oil
ölen {vt}
   er/sie ölt
   ich/er/sie ölte
   er/sie hat/hatte geölt
to oil
   he/she oils
   I/he/she oiled
   he/she has/had oiled
Altöl {n}waste oil; used oil
Badeöl {n}bath oil
Baumwollsamenöl {n}; Baumwollsaatöl {n}; Cottonöl {n}cottonseed oil
Bergamottöl {n}bergamot oil
Beschädigung {f}
   Beschädigung {f} durch Öl
   Beschädigung der Ware
   oil damage
   damage to the goods
Bittermandelöl {n}
   1 Tropfen blausäurefreies Bittermandelöl
oil of bitter almond; bitter almond oil
   1 drop of bitter almond oil (free of hydrocyanic acid))
Bohrfeld {n}
   Bohrfelder {pl}
oil field; gas field
   oil fields; gas fields
Bohrinsel {f}; Ölbohrinsel {f}
   Bohrinseln {pl}; Ölbohrinseln {pl}
drilling platform; oil rig
   drilling platforms; oil rigs
Bohrung {f} [geol.]
   eine Bohrung ausführen
   ein Verbot von Öl- und Gasbohrungen
   drehende Bohrung {f}; Rotary-Bohrung {f} [min.]
   schlagende Bohrung {f}; Rammkern-Bohrung {f}
drilling; boring
   to make a drilling / boring
   a ban on drilling for oil and gas
   rotary drilling / boring; drilling with rotary table
   percussive drilling / boring
Braunkohlenteeröl {n}brown coal tar oil
Bürzeldrüse {f}oil gland
Bunker {m}; Treibstofftank {m}
   Bunker {pl}; Treibstofftanks {pl}
bunker; fuel oil bunker
   bunkers; fuel oil bunkers
Carbolöl {n}carbolic oil
Citronellöl {n}; Lemongrasöl {n}lemon grass oil
Dampfflutanlage {f} [techn.] (Öllagerstätte)
   Dampfflutanlagen {pl}
steam flooding plant (for oil revervoirs)
   steam flooding plants
Dichtring {m}
   Dichtringe {pl}
sealing ring; oil seal
   sealing rings; oil seals
Dieselöl {n}diesel oil
Distelöl {n} [cook.]safflower oil
Druckölschmierung {f}pressure oil lubrication
Duftöl {n}
   Duftölen {pl}
fragrance oil
   fragrance oils
Erdöl {n}
   nach Erdöl bohren
   auf Erdöl stoßen
   Erdöl aus der Nordsee
   Erdölangebot auf dem Weltmarkt [econ.]
   konventionell gefördertes Erdöl
oil; mineral oil; petroleum; fossil oil; rock oil
   to drill for oil
   to strike oil
   North Sea oil
   world petroleum supply
   conventional oil
Erdölaktien {pl}; Erdölwerte {pl} [fin.]oil shares; oil stock; oils
Erdölanzeichen {n} [min.]
   Erdölanzeichen {pl}
oil indication
   oil indications
Erdölausfuhrland {n}
   Erdölausfuhrländer {pl}
oil exporting country
   oil exporting countries
Erdölbedarf {m} [econ.]oil requirement
Erdölbohrinsel {f}
   Erdölbohrinseln {pl}
oil drilling platform
   oil drilling platforms
Erdölbohrturm {m}
   Erdölbohrtürme {pl}
oil derrick
   oil derricks
Erdöleinfuhrland {n}
   Erdöleinfuhrländer {pl}
oil importing country
   oil importing countries
Erdölfeld {n}
   Erdölfelder {pl}
oil field; petroleum field; oil producing formation
   oil fields; petroleum fields; oil producing formations
Erdölerzeugerland {n}; Erdölförderland {n}
   Erdölerzeugerländer {pl}; Erdölförderländer {pl}
oil producing country
   oil producing countries
Erdölfirma {f}; Erdölgesellschaft {f}
   Erdölfirmen {pl}; Erdölgesellschaften {pl}
oil company
   oil companies
Erdölförderland {n}
   Erdölförderländer {pl}
oil-producing country
   oil-producing countries
Erdölförderung {f} [min.]oil production
Erdölindustrie {f}oil industry; petroleum industry
Erdöllagerstätte {f} [min.]
   Erdöllagerstätten {pl}
oil field; petroleum deposit; oil pool; oil sheet
   oil fields; petroleum deposits; oil pools; oil sheets
Erdöllagerung {f}oil storage
Erdölkartell {n}
   Erdölkartelle {pl}
oil producers' cartel
   oil producers' cartels
Erdölkonzession {f}
   Erdölkonzessionen {pl}
   Erdölkonzessionen an jdn. vergeben
oil concession
   oil concessions
   to award oil concessions to sb.
Erdölleitung {f}
   Erdölleitungen {pl}
oil pipeline
   oil pipelines
Erdölmangel {m}; Erdölverknappung {f}oil shortage
Erdölnachfrage {f} [econ.]demand for oil
Erdölquelle {f}
   Erdölquellen {pl}
oil spring; oil well
   oil springs; oil wells
Erdölraffinerie {f}; Ölraffinerie {f} [chem.] [techn.]
   Erdölraffinerien {pl}; Ölraffinerien {pl}
petroleum refinery; oil refinery
   petroleum refineries; oil refineries
Erdölsuche {f} [min.]oil research; prospecting for oil
Erdölsuche {f}search for oil fields
Erdölverarbeitung {f}processing of crude oil; mineral oil processing
Erdölverteuerung {f}increase in oil costs
Erdölvorkommen {n}oil deposit; oil occurrence; oil basin
Erdölvorräte {pl}oil resources; oil stocks
Eukalyptusöl {n}eucalyptus oil
Firnis {n}varnish; oil
Fischtran {m}train oil
Gemüt {n}; Gemütsanlage {f}; Gemütsart {f}; Sinnesart {f}; Naturell {n}; Temperament {n}
   Gemüter {pl}; Gemütsarten {pl}; Veranlagungen {pl}
   sonniges Gemüt
   herzliche Gemütsart
   die Gemüter beruhigen
   seine freundliche Art
disposition; nature
   cheerful disposition
   genial disposition
   to put oil on troubled waters
   his cheerful disposition
Getriebeöl {n}gearbox oil; gear oil
Getriebeöl-Temperaturfühler {m} [auto]gearbox-oil temperature sensor
Gewinnung {f}
   Gewinnung einer Substanz aus einem natürlichen Rohstoff
   zur Gewinnung von Trinkwasser/Öl/Gas/Rauschgift
   production of a substance from a natural resource
   for the production of drinking water/oil/gas/drugs
Glycerintrinitrat {n}; Nitroglyzerin {n} [chem.]nitroglycerin; nitro; blasting oil; explosive oil
Haaröl {n}hair oil
Harzöl {n}resin oil
Heizöl {n}fuel oil; heating oil; combustion fuel
Heizöl-Pump- und Vorwärmstation {f} [mach.]
   Heizöl-Pump- und Vorwärmstationen {pl}
fuel oil pump and heater set
   fuel oil pump and heater sets
Heizölbrenner {m} [mach.]
   Heizölbrenner {pl}
fuel oil burner
   fuel oil burners
Heizölstation {f} [mach.]
   Heizölstationen {pl}
fuel oil supply station
   fuel oil supply stations
Heizölzerstäuber {m} [mach.]
   Heizölzerstäuber {pl}
fuel oil atomizer
   fuel oil atomizers
Hilfsölpumpe {f} [techn.]
   Hilfsölpumpen {pl}
auxiliary oil pump
   auxiliary oil pumps
Honöl {n}honing oil
Jojoba-Öl {n}; Jojobaöl {n}; Pottwalölersatz {m}jojoba oil; substitute for spermaceti
Kernöl {n}kernel oil (from stone fruits); seed oil (from vegetables)
Kiefernadelöl {n}pine needle oil
Kokosfett {n} [cook.]coconut oil
Kühlöl {n} [techn.]cooling oil
Kürbiskernöl {n} [cook.]pumpkin seed oil
Lagerstättenbedampfung {f} (Öl)oil field steam flooding; oil reservoir steam flooding
Lebertran {m}codliver oil; cod-liver oil
Leinöl {n} [cook.]linseed oil
Leinwand {f}; Malleinwand {f}; Gemälde {n}
   Öl auf Leinwand (Maltechnik)
   oil on canvas (painting technique)
Mehrbereichsöl {n} [techn.]multi-purpose oil; multi-grade oil
Mineralölsteuer {f}tax on oil
Mitternacht {f}; 0 Uhr
   bis spät in die Nacht hinein arbeiten
   um Mitternacht
midnight; 12 am; 12:00 a.m.
   to burn the midnight oil [fig.]
   around midnight
Motoröl {n} [auto]
   synthetisches Motoröl
engine oil
   synthetic engine oil
Motorölwanne {f} [auto]
   Motorölwannen {pl}
engine oil pan
   engine oil pans
Nordseeöl {n}North Sea oil
Ölablassschraube {f} [techn.]
   Ölablassschrauben {pl}
oil discharge screw; oil drain plug; sump drain plug
   oil discharge screws; oil drain plugs; sump drain plugs
Ölabscheider {m} [techn.] [envir.]
   Ölabscheider {pl}
oil trap; oil separator
   oil traps; oil separators
Ölabstoßungsvermögen {n}oil repellence
Ölabstreifer {m} [techn.]
   Ölabstreifer {pl}
oil deflector; oil ring
   oil deflectors; oil rings
Ölabstreifring {m} [techn.]
   Ölabstreifringe {pl}
oil scraper ring
   oil scraper rings
Ölbad {n}oil bath
Ölbadschmierung {f} [techn.]oil-bath lubrication
Ölbohrung {f}
   Ölbohrungen {pl}
   küstennahe Ölbohrung
oil drilling; drilling for oil
   oil drillings; drillings for oil
   offshore oil well
Ölbrenner {m}
   Ölbrenner {pl}
oil burner
   oil burners
Öldeckel {m}
   Öldeckel {pl}
oil filler cap
   oil filler caps
Öldichtung {f} [techn.]oil seal
Öldiffusionspumpe {f} [techn.]oil diffusion pump
Öldruckanlage {f} (Schmierung) [techn.]forced lube oil system; forced lubrication system
Öldruckanzeige {f} [techn.]oil gauge; oil pressure gauge
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