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82 Ergebnisse82 results
Rute {f}
   Ruten {pl}
Stab {m}; Stange {f}
   Stäbe {pl}; Stangen {pl}
Stäbchen {n} (Auge) [anat.]
   Stäbchen und Zapfen (auf der Netzhaut)
   rods and cones (in the retina)
Aaronsstab {m} (Zierleiste)Aaron's rod
Abhängungsstab {m} [constr.]
   Abhängungsstäbe {pl}
suspension rod
   suspension rods
Achsstrebe {f} [techn.]
   Achsstreben {pl}
torque rod
   torque rods
Angel {f}
   Angeln {pl}
   an der Angel hängen
fishing rod
   fishing rods
   to be hooked
Angelrute {f}
   Angelruten {pl}
fishing rod; fishing pole
   fishing rods; fishing poles
Ankerbolzen {m} [constr.]
   Ankerbolzen {pl}
anchor bolt; anchor rod; anchor pin
   anchor bolts; anchor rods; anchor pins
Ankerzugstange {f} [mach.]
   Ankerzugstangen {pl}
tie rod
   tie rods
Aufhängestange {f} [techn.] (als Traganker)
   Aufhängestangen {pl}
hanger rod
   hanger rods
Augenanker {m} [mach.]
   Augenanker {pl}
eye rod
   eye rods
Besen {m}; Auskehrer {m}
   Besen {pl}
   mit eisernem Besen kehren
   to rule with a rod of iron; to apply drastic remedies
Betätigungsstange {f}
   Betätigungsstangen {pl}
activation rod
   activation rods
Bewehrungsstange {f} [constr.]
   Bewehrungsstangen {pl}
reinforcement rod
   reinforcement rods
Blitzableiter {m}
   Blitzableiter {pl}
lightning rod; lightning conductor [Br.]
   lightning rods; lightning conductors
Bohrgestänge {n}drill pipe; boring rod; drill rod
Bohrstange {f}
   Bohrstangen {pl}
boring bar; drill rod
   boring bars; drill rods
Bremsdruckstange {f} [auto]
   Bremsdruckstangen {pl}
servo push rod
   servo push rods
Brennstab {m}fuel rod
Doppelstangenkopf {m} [techn.]
   Doppelstangenköpfe {pl}
double tie rod
   double tie rods
Druckstange {f}
   Druckstangen {pl}
pressure rod
   pressure rods
Einfachstangenkopf {m} [techn.]
   Einfachstangenköpfe {pl}
single tie rod
   single tie rods
Eisenstange {f}; Eisenstab {m}
   Eisenstangen {pl}; Eisenstäbe {pl}
iron rod; iron bar
   iron rods; iron bars
Entriegelungsstange {f}
   Entriegelungsstangen {pl}
release rod; unlocking rod
   release rods; unlocking rods
Erdungsstange {f}
   Erdungsstangen {pl}
grounding rod; ground rod
   grounding rods; ground rods
Exzenterstange {f} [techn.]
   Exzenterstangen {pl}
eccentric rod
   eccentric rods
Fangstange {f}
   Fangstangen {pl}
lightning rod
   lightning rods
Ferritstab {m}; Eisenkern {m}; Spulenkern {m}
   Ferritstäbe {pl}; Eisenkerne {pl}; Spulenkerne {pl}
ferrite rod
   ferrite rods
Fluchtstab {m}
   Fluchtstäbe {pl}
ranging-rod; ranging-pole
   ranging-rods; ranging-poles
Gardinenstange {f}; Vorhangstange {f}
   Gardinenstangen {pl}; Vorhangstangen {pl}
curtain rod; window rod
   curtain rods; window rods
Gestänge {n} [techn.]gear rods; rod assembly
Gestängelager {n} [techn.]rod bearings
Gestängerohr {n}
   Gestängerohre {pl}
hollow rod
   hollow rods
Gewindestab {m}
   Gewindestäbe {pl}
threaded rod
   threaded rods
Gewindestange {f} [mach.]
   Gewindestangen {pl}
drop rod; threaded rod; studding
   drop rods; threaded rods; studdings
Heizstab {m}
   Heizstäbe {pl}
heater; heating rod
   heaters; heating rods
Kohlestift {m}
   Kohlestifte {pl}
carbon rod
   carbon rods
Kolbenstange {f} [techn.]
   Kolbenstangen {pl}
piston rod; connecting rod
   piston rods; connecting rods
Kuppelstange {f}
   Kuppelstangen {pl}
coupling rod
   coupling rods
Membranstange {f}
   Membranstangen {pl}
diaphragm operating rod
   diaphragm operating rods
Messlatte {f}; Meßlatte {f} [alt]
   Messlatten {pl}; Meßlatten {pl}
   die Messlatte höher legen [übtr.]
yardstick; staff; measuring rod; measuring staff; surveyor's rod; ranging rod; range pole
   yardsticks; staffs; measuring rods; measuring staffs; surveyor's rods; ranging rods; range poles
   to raise the bar [fig.]
Nivellierlatte {f}
   Nivellierlatten {pl}
levelling staff; levelling rod
   levelling staffs; levelling rods
Panhardstab {m} [techn.]Panhard rod
Pendelstab {m}
   Pendelstäbe {pl}
suspension rod
   suspension rods
Pistole {f}
   Pistolen {pl}
rod; gat [slang]
   rods; gats
Pleuelbuchse {f} [techn.]
   Pleuelbuchsen {pl}
connecting rod bush
   connecting rod bushes
Pleuellänge {f} [techn.]length of the connecting rod
Pleuellagerdeckel {m} [techn.]
   Pleuellagerdeckel {pl}
lid for the connecting rod bearing
   lids for the connecting rod bearing
Pleuellagerspiel {n} [techn.]clearance of the connecting rod bearing
Pleuellagerzapfen {m} [techn.]
   Pleuellagerzapfen {pl}
tap for the connecting rod bearing
   taps for the connecting rod bearing
Pleuelmutter {f} [techn.]
   Pleuelmuttern {pl}
connecting rod nut
   connecting rod nuts
Pleuelstange {f}; Pleuel {n} [techn.]
   Pleuelstangen {pl}; Pleuel {pl}
conrod; con-rod; connecting rod; piston rod
   conrods; con-rods; connecting rods; piston rods
Regelstange {f} [techn.]rod axis
Rührstab {m}
   Rührstäbe {pl}
   hölzener Rührstab/Löffel für Porridge [cook.]
stirring rod; stir stick; mixing rod
   stirring rods; stir sticks; mixing rods
   spurtle [Sc.]
Rundstange {f}
   Rundstangen {pl}
round rod
   round rods
Schaltstange {f}
   Schaltstangen {pl}
selector rod; shift rod
   selector rods; shift rods
Schießeisen {n} [ugs.]shooting iron; rod; gat [coll.]
Schubstangenförderer {m} [techn.]
   Schubstangenförderer {pl}
push-rod conveyor
   push-rod conveyors
Schubstrebe {f} [techn.]
   Schubstreben {pl}
thrust rod
   thrust rods
Schweißdraht {m}; Schweißstab {m} [techn.]welding wire; welding rod
Sportschützenverein {m}; Sportschießgruppe {f}; Schützenverein {m}
   Sportschützenvereine {pl}; Sportschießgruppen {pl}; Schützenvereine {pl}
rod and gun club [Am.]
   rod and gun clubs
Spurstange {f}
   Spurstangen {pl}
track rod; tie bar; tie rod; steering track rod
   track rods; tie bars; tie rods; steering track rods
Spurstangenhebel {m} [auto]
   Spurstangenhebel {pl}
track-rod arm
   track-rod arms
Spurstangenkopf {m} [auto]
   Spurstangenköpfe {pl}
track-rod end
   track-rod ends
Stabantenne {f}rod aerial
Stabilisatorstange {f} [techn.]
   Stabilisatorstangen {pl}
stabilizer rod
   stabilizer rods
Stabrohrmühle {m} [techn.]
   Stabrohrmühlen {pl}
rod mill; rod tube mill
   rod mills; rod tube mills
Stößel {m}
   Stößel {pl}
tappet; tappet rod
   tappets; tappet rods
Stoßstange {f}; Schubstange {f}
   Stoßstangen {pl}; Schubstangen {pl}
push rod
   push rods
Teppichstange {f}stair-rod
Triebstange {f} [techn.]
   Triebstangen {pl}
connecting rod
   connecting rods
Weidengerte {f}
   Weidengerten {pl}
willow rod
   willow rods
Wünschelrute {f}
   Wünschelruten {pl}
divining rod; dowsing rod; dowser; waterfinder
   divining rods; dowsing rods; dowsers; waterfinders
Zuganker {m}
   Zuganker {pl}
tie rod; tension rod
   tie rods; tension rods
Zugstange {f}pull rod
Zugspindel {f} [techn.]
   Zugspindeln {pl}
feed rod; feed shaft
   feed rods; feed shafts
herrschen; regieren {vi} (über)
   herrschend; regierend
   geherrscht; regiert
   er/sie herrscht; er/sie regiert
   ich/er/sie herrschte; ich/er/sie regiert
   er/sie hat/hatte geherscht; er/sie hat/hatte regiert
   mit eiserne Hand herrschen
to rule (over)
   he/she rules
   I/he/she ruled
   he/she has/had rules
   to rule with a rod of iron
Bremsspindel {f} [mach.][techn.]brake rod; brake screw
Bronzestange {f} [techn.]bronze rod
Peilstange {f} [min.]sounding rod
(leichte) Schlagsonde {f} [geol.]percussion probe; driving rod
basiert auf der Wortliste von dict.tu-chemnitz.de