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Übersetze 'Werktitel'Translate 'Werktitel'
572 Ergebnisse572 results
Werktitel {m} (Kunst)
   Werktitel {pl}
work title (art)
   work titles
Serail {n}
   "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" (von Morzart / Werktitel)
   'The Elopement from the Harem' (by Mozart / work title)
wohltemperiert {adj}
   'Das wohltemperierte Klavier' (von Bach / Werktitel)
   'The Well-Tempered Clavier' (by Bach / work title)
'Titus Andronicus' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Titus Andronicus' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Taming of the Shrew' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die Komödie der Irrungen' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Comedy of Errors' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Heinrich der Sechste' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King Henry VI.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die beiden Veroneser' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Two Gentlemen of Verona' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Johann' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King John' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Romeo und Julia' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Romeo and Juliet' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Richard der Dritte' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Life and Death of King Richard III.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Liebes Leid und Lust' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Love's Labour's Lost' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Ein Sommernachtstraum' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'A Midsummer Night's Dream' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Richard der Zweite' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Life and Death of King Richard II.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Der Kaufmann von Venedig' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The merchant of Venice' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Heinrich der Vierte' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King Henry IV.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Merry Wives of Windsor' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Viel Lärm um Nichts' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Much Ado about Nothing' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Wie es Euch gefällt' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'As You Like It' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Heinrich der Fünfte' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King Henry V.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Julius Cäsar' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Julius Caesar' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Was Ihr wollt oder Dreikönigsabend' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Twelfth Night, or, What You Will' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Troilus und Kressida' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Troilus and Cressida' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Ende gut, alles gut' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'All's well that ends well' (by Shakespeare / work title)' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Maß für Maß' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Measure for Measure' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Othello' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Othello, the Moor of Venice' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Lear' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King Lear' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Timon von Athen' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Timon of Athens' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Coriolanus' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Coriolanus' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Macbeth' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Macbeth' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Perikles' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Perikles, Prince of Tyre' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Antonius und Kleopatra' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Antony and Cleopatra' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Cymbeline' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Cymbeline' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Das Wintermärchen' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Winter's Tale' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Der Sturm' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Tempest' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'König Heinrich der Achte' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'King Henry VIII.' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Verlorene Liebesmüh' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Love's Labour's Lost' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die beiden edlen Vettern' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Two Noble Kinsmen' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Coriolan' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'Coriolanus' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die Schändung der Lukretia' (von Shakespeare / Werktitel) [lit.]'The Rape of Lucrece' (by Shakespeare / work title)
'Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Pretended Garden-Girl' (by Mozart / work title)
"Die Zauberflöte" (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Magic Flute' (by Mozart / work title)
'Türkischer Marsch' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Turkish March' (by Mozart / work title)
'Figaros Hochzeit' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Marriage of Figaro' (by Mozart / work title)
'Dissonanzenquartett' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Dissonance Quartet' (by Mozart / work title)
'Jagdquartett' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Hunting Quartet' (by Mozart / work title)
'Kegelstatt-Trio' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Skittelground Trio' (by Mozart / work title)
'Eine kleine Nachtmusik' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'A Little Serenade' (by Mozart / work title)
'Krönungskonzert' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Coronation Concert' (by Mozart / work title)
'Krönungsmesse' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Coronation Mass' (by Mozart / work title)
'Maurerische Trauermusik' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Masonic Funeral Music' (by Mozart / work title)
'Der Schauspieldirektor' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Impresario' (by Mozart / work title)
'Spatzenmesse' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Sparrow Mass' (by Mozart / work title)
'Die Kunst der Fuge' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Art of Fugue' (by Bach / work title)
'Das Weihnachtsoratorium' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'Christmas Oratorio' (by Bach / work title)
'Das musikalische Opfer' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Musical Offering' (by Bach / work title)
'Die Matthäus-Passion' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'St. Matthew Passion' (by Bach / work title)
Die brandenburgischen Konzerte' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'Brandenburg Concertos' (by Bach / work title)
'Die Johannespassion' (von Bach / Werktitel) [mus.]'St. John Passion' (by Bach / work title)
'Feuerwerksmusik' (von Händel / Werktitel) [mus.]'Music for the Royal Fireworks'; 'Fireworks Music' (by Haendel / work title)
'Der Messias' (von Händel / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Messiah' (by Haendel / work title)
'Wassermusik' (von Händel / Werktitel) [mus.]'Water Music' (by Haendel / work title)
'Grobschmied-Variationen' (von Händel / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Harmonious Blacksmith' (by Haendel / work title)
'Der wunderbare Mandarin' (von Bartók / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Miraculous Mandarin' (by Bartók / work title)
'Die Weihe des Hauses' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Consecration of the House' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Creatures of Prometheus' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Mondscheinsonate' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Moonlight Sonata' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Coriolan-Ouvertüre' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Coriolanus Overture' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Frühlingssonate' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Spring Sonata' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Geistertrio' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Ghost Trio'; 'The Ghost' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Leonoren-Ouverture' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Leonora-Overture' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Pastoral-Sinfonie'; 'Pastorale' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Pastoral Symphony'; 'Pastoral'(by Beethoven / work title)
'Sturm-Sonate'; 'Der Sturm' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Tempest Sonata'; 'The Tempest' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Schlacht-Sinfonie'; 'Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'Battle Symphony'; 'Wellington's Victory or the Battle of Vittoria' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Die Nachtwandlerin' (von Bellini / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Sleepwalker' (by Bellini / work title)
'An die ferne Geliebte' (von Beethoven / Werktitel) [mus.]'To the Distant Beloved' (by Beethoven / work title)
'Registerarie' (von Mozart / Werktitel) [mus.]'Catalogue Aria' (by Mozart / work title)
'Fausts Verdammnis' (von Berlioz / Werktitel) [mus.]'Faust's Damnation' (by Berlioz / work title)
'Die Trojaner' (von Berlioz / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Trojans' (by Berlioz / work title)
'Die Perlenfischer' (von Bizet / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Pearl Fishers' (by Bizet / work title)
'Harold in Italien' (von Berlioz / Werktitel) [mus.]'Harold in Italy' (by Berlioz / work title)
'Die weiße Dame' (von Boieldieu / Werktitel) [mus.]'The White Lady' (by Boieldieu / work title)
'Eine Steppenskizze aus Mittelasien' (von Borodin / Werktitel) [mus.]'In the Steppes of Central Asia' (by Borodin / work title)
'Der Hammer ohne Meister' (von Boulez / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Hammer without Master' (by Boulez / work title)
'Die heimliche Ehe' (von Cimarosa / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Clandestine Marriage' (by Cimarosa / work title)
'Das Meer' (vonbussy / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Sea' (bybussy / work title)
'Die Ecke der Kinder' (vonbussy / Werktitel) [mus.]'Children's Corner' (bybussy / work title)
'Die Spielzeugschachtel' (vonbussy / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Toy Box' (bybussy / work title)
'Präludium zum Nachmittag eines Fauns' (vonbussy / Werktitel) [mus.]'Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun' (bybussy / work title)
'Polowetzer Tänze' (von Borodin / Werktitel) [mus.]'Polovtsian Dances' (by Borodin / work title)
'Fürst Igor' (von Borodin / Werktitel) [mus.]'Prince Igor' (by Borodin / work title)
'Der Dreispitz' (von De Falla / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Three-Cornered Hat' (by De Falla / work title)
'Feuertanz' (von De Falla / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Fire Dance' (by De Falla / work title)
'Liebeszauber' (von De Falla / Werktitel) [mus.]'Love the Wizard' (by De Falla / work title)
'Ein kurzes Leben' (von De Falla / Werktitel) [mus.]'Life is Short' (by De Falla / work title)
'Nächte in spanischen Gärten' (von De Falla / Werktitel) [mus.]'Nights in the Gardens of Spain' (by De Falla / work title)
'Die Regimentstochter' (von Donizetti / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Daughter of the Regiment' (by Donizetti / work title)
'Der Liebestrank' (von Donizetti / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Love Potion' (by Donizetti / work title)
'Der Zauberlehrling' (von Dukas / Werktitel) [mus.]'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' (by Dukas / work title)
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