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37 Ergebnisse37 results
Literatur {f}
   fantastische Literatur
   fantasy literature
Schrifttum {n}literature
Anglistik {f}English Studies; English language and literature
Bakkalaureus {m}; Bachelor {m} [stud.]
   niedrigster akademischer Grad
   Bakkalaureus der Philosophie
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Theologie
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Ingenieurwissenschaften
   Bakkalaureus {m} des Rechts
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Literatur(wissenschaft)
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Literaturwissenschaft
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Medizin
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Naturwissenschaften
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Chirurgie
   Bakkalaureus {m} der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
   bachelor of science /B.Sc./; bachelor of arts /B.A./
   Bachelor of Arts /BA/
   Bachelor of Divinity /BD/
   Bachelor of Engineering /BEng/
   Bachelor of Law /BL/
   Bachelor of Literature /BLit/
   Bachelor of Letters /BLitt/
   Bachelor of Medicine /BM/
   Bachelor of Science [Am.] /BS/ /BSc/
   Bachelor of Surgery [Br.] /BS/
   Bachelor of Economic Science /BScEcon/
Chorliteratur {f} [mus.]choir literature
Dichtung {f}literature; poetry
Doktor {m} /Dr./; Doktorin {f}
   Doktoren {pl}; Doktorinnen {pl}
   Doktor der Rechte /Dr. jur./
   Doktor der Medizin /Dr. med./
   Doktor der Philosophie /Dr. phil./
   Doktor der Naturwissenschaften /Dr. rer.nat./
   Doktor der Theologie /Dr. theol./
   Doktor der Zahnmedizin
   Doktor des Zivilrechts /Dr. jur./
   Doktor beider Rechte
   Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
doctor /Dr/; doc [coll.]
   doctors; docs
   Doctor of Laws; legum doctor /LLD; LL D/
   Doctor of Medicine; medicinae doctor /MD/
   Doctor of Philosophy /DPhil; PhD; Ph.D; DPh/
   Doctor of Science /DSc; ScD/
   Doctor of Divinity /DD/
   Doctor of Dental Surgery /DDS/
   Doctor of Civil Law /DCL/; juris civilis doctor /JCD/
   juris utriesque doctor /JUD/; Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
   Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature /DLit/
Erinnerungsliteratur {f} [lit.]memoir literature
Fachliteratur {f}specialist literature; technical literature
Forschungsliteratur {f}research literature
Gegenwartsliteratur {f}contemporary literature
Heimatdichter {m}regional literature
Kolportageliteratur {f}trashy literature
Komparatistik {f}comparative literature
Kriminalliteratur {f}crime literature
Literaturhinweise {pl}literature review; references
Literaturempfehlungen {pl}recommended literature
Literaturquelle {f}reference; literature source
Literaturrecherche {f}literature research
Literaturübersicht {f}literature survey
Literaturwissenschaft {f}literary studies; literature
Migrantenliteratur {f}; Migrationsliteratur {f} [lit.]migrant literature; migration literature
Mundartdichtung {f}dialect poetry; dialect literature
Philologe {m}teacher (scholar) of language and literature; philologist [Am.]
Philologie {f}study of language and literature; philology [Am.]
Publikation außerhalb des Buchhandelsnon-conventional literature
Romanistik {f}(studies of) Romance languages and Literature
Romanist {m}; Romanistin {f}
   Romanisten {pl}; Romanistinnen {pl}
teacher of Romance languages and Literature; researcher of Romance languages and Literature
   teachers of Romance languages and Literature; researchers of Romance languages and Literature
Sachliteratur {f}non-fiction literature; nonfiction
Schundliteratur {f}trashy literature; trash
Sekundärliteratur {f}secondary literature
Trivialliteratur {f}cheap literature
Verkaufsliteratur {f}sales literature
Vorlesungsverzeichnis {n} [stud.]
   Vorlesungsverzeichnisse {pl}
   Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis
course catalogue; university calendar; lecture timetable; university catalogue; student handbook
   course catalogues; university calendars; lecture timetables; university catalogues
   course catalogue with comments on the course content, recommended literature, assessment etc.
Weltliteratur {f}world literature
englischsprachig {adj}
   englischsprachige Literatur {f}
   English literature
Computerliteratur {f}computer literature
basiert auf der Wortliste von dict.tu-chemnitz.de