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79 Ergebnisse79 results
Blasinstrument {n} [mus.]
   Blasinstrumente {pl}
wind instrument
   wind instruments; the brass
Altflöte {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Altflöten {pl}
alto flute; bass flute
   alto flutes; bases flutes
Altsaxophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Altsaxophone {pl}
alto saxophone
   alto saxophones
Baritonsaxophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Baritonsaxophone {pl}
baritone saxophone
   baritone saxophones
Bassblockflöte {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Bassblockflöten {pl}
bass recorder
   bases recorders
Basssaxophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Basssaxophone {pl}
bass saxophone
   bases saxophones
Basstrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Basstrompeten {pl}
bass trumpet
   bases trumpets
Basstuba {f}; Bombardon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)bombardon
Basstuba {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)bass tuba
Birne {f}; Wulst {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]barrel socket (wind instrument)
Bomhard {m}; Pommer {m} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)bombarde
Brille {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]ring key (wind instrument)
Daumenring {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Daumenringe {pl}
thumb-hold (wind instrument)
Deckel {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Deckel {pl}
plate; cup (wind instrument)
   plates; cups
Doppelkegeldämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Doppelkegeldämpfer {pl}
double mute (wind instrument)
   double mutes
Drehventil {n}; Zylinderventil {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Drehventile {pl}; Zylinderventile {pl}
rotary valve (wind instrument)
   rotary valves
Dulzian {m} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)dulcian
Flügelröhre {f}; Oberstück {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Flügelröhren {pl}; Oberstücke {pl}
wing; tenor joint (wind instrument)
   wings; tenor joints
Fußstück {n}; Unterstück {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Fußstücke {pl}; Unterstücke {pl}
lower joint (wind instrument)
   lower joints
Griffloch {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Grifflöcher {pl}
finger-hole; tone-hole (wind instrument)
   finger-holes; tone-holes
Heckelphon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Heckelphone {pl}
Helikon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)helicon
Hülse {f}; Stift {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Hülsen {pl}; Stifte {pl}
tube; staple (wind instrument)
   tubes; staples
Huschdämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Huschdämpfer {pl}
hush mute (wind instrument)
   hush mutes
Hutdämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Hutdämpfer {pl}
hat mute (wind instrument)
   hat mutes
Jazzposaune {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Jazzposaunen {pl}
jazz trombone
   jazz trombones
Jazztrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Jazztrompeten {pl}
jazz trumpet
   jazz trumpets
Kartondämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Kartondämpfer {pl}
cardboard mute (wind instrument)
   cardboard mutes
Kessel {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]cup (wind instrument)
Klappe {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Klappen {pl}
key (wind instrument)
Klappenmechanik {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]key work (wind instrument)
Kontrabassposaune {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Kontrabassposaunen {pl}
double bass trombone; contrabass trombone
   double bases trombones; contrabases trombones
Kontrabasstuba {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)double-bass tuba
Kopfstück {n} mit Schnabel (Blasinstrument) [mus.]head joint with beak (wind instrument)
Krummhorn {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Krummhörner {pl}
Liebesfuß {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]pear-shaped bell (wind instrument)
Liebesoboe {f}; Oboe d'amore {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Liebesoboen {pl}
oboe d'amore
   oboes d'amore
Metalldämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Metalldämpfer {pl}
metal mute (wind instrument)
   metal mutes
Mittelstück {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Mittelstücke {pl}
middle joint (wind instrument)
   middle joints
Mundloch {n}; Ansatz {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Mundlöcher {pl}; Ansätze {pl}
mouth-hole; embouchure (wind instrument)
   mouth-holes; embouchures
Mundstück {n}; Schnabel {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Mundstücke {pl}; Schnäbel {pl}
mouthpiece; embouchure (wind instrument)
   mouthpieces; embouchures
Naturtrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Naturtrompeten {pl}
natural trumpet
   natural trumpets
Ophikleide {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)ophicleide
Pfeife {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Pfeifen {pl}
whistle; fife; pipe
   whistles; fifes; pipes
Quersteg {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Querstege {pl}
cross-stay (wind instrument)
Rankett {n}; Stockfagott {n}; Wurstfagott {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Rankette {pl}; Stockfagotte {pl}; Wurstfagotte {pl}
rankett; racket
   ranketts; rackets
Sarrusophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sarrusophone {pl}
Schallstück {m}; Schallbecher {m}; Stürze {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Schallstücke {pl}; Schallbecher {pl}; Stürzen {pl}
bell (wind instrument)
Scheide {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Scheiden {pl}
slide casing; case (wind instrument)
   slide casings; cases
Schmetterkranz {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Schmetterkränze {pl}
bell ring (wind instrument)
   bell rings
Serpent; Schlangenbass {m} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)serpent
Sopranblockflöte {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sopranblockflöten {pl}
descant recorder [Br.]; soprano recorder [Am.]
   descant recorders; soprano recorders
Sopraninoblockflöte {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sopraninoblockflöten {pl}
sopranino recorder
   sopranino recorders
Sopranklarinette {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sopranklarinetten {pl}
soprano clarinet
   soprano clarinets
Sopransaxophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sopransaxophone {pl}
soprano saxophone
   soprano saxophones
Sordun {m} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)sordun
Sousaphon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Sousaphone {pl}
Spitzdämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Spitzdämpfer {pl}
straight mute (wind instrument)
   straight mutes
Stiefel {m}; Bogen {m}; Doppelloch {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]butt; double joint (wind instrument)
Stierhorn {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Stierhörner {pl}
cow horn
   cow horns
Stimmbogen {m}; Aufsatzbogen {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Stimmbögen {pl}; Aufsatzbögen {pl}
crook (wind instrument)
Tenorblockflöte {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Tenorblockflöten {pl}
tenor recorder
   tenor recorders
Tenorhorn {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Tenorhörner {pl}
baritone horn
   baritone horns
Tenorsaxophon {n} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Tenorsaxophonen {pl}
tenor saxophone
   tenor saxophones
Ventil {n}; Pumpventil {n} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Ventile {pl}; Pumpventile {pl}
piston; valve (wind instrument)
   pistons; valves
Ventilmaschine {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Ventilmaschinen {pl}
valve unit (wind instrument)
   valve units
Ventilposaune {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Ventilposaunen {pl}
valve trombone
   valve trombones
Ventiltrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Ventiltrompeten {pl}
valve trumpet
   valve trumpets
Wagner-Tuba {f}; Waldhorn-Tuba {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)Wagner tuba
Walze {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Walzen {pl}
shank (wind instrument)
Wasserklappe {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Wasserklappen {pl}
water key (wind instrument)
   water keys
Wau-Wau-Dämpfer {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Wau-Wau-Dämpfer {pl}
wow-wow mute (wind instrument)
   wow-wow mutes
Windkapsel {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Windkapseln {pl}
windcap (wind instrument)
Zug {m} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]slide (wind instrument)
Zugposaune {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Zugposaunen {pl}
slide trombone
   slide trombones
Zugtrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)
   Zugtrompeten {pl}
slide trumpet
   slide trumpets
Zunge {f} (Blasinstrument) [mus.]
   Zungen {pl}
tongue (wind instrument)
Clairon {n}; Signaltrompete {f} [mus.] (Blasinstrument)clarion
Didgeridoo {n} (traditionelles Blasinstrument der Aborigines) [mus.]didgeridoo (traditional wind instrument of the Indigenous Australians)
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