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Übersetze 'Northern'Translate 'Northern'
66 Ergebnisse66 results
nördlich {adj}
   am nördlichsten
   more northern
   most northern
Kammmolch {m}; Nördlicher Kammmolch (Triturus cristatus) [zool.]great crested newt; northern crested newt; warty newt
Nördliche Krone {f} [astron.] (Sternbild)The Northern Crown (Coronae Borealis)
Nordallianz {f}Northern Alliance
Nordhalbkugel {f} [geogr.]northern hemisphere
Nordlicht {n}; nördliches Polarlicht {n}northern lights; polar lights; aurora borealis; northlight
Nordufer {n}
   Nordufer {pl}
north bank; northern bank
   north banks; northern banks
Polizeibehörde {f}
   nordirische Polizeibehörde {f}
Police Department /PD/
   Police Service of Northern Ireland /PSNI/
Schneehase {m} [zool.]
   Schneehasen {pl}
northern hare
   northern hares
Schwan {m}; Nördliches Kreuz (Sternbild) [astron.]Cygnus; Swan; Northern Cross
Seebär {m} [zool.]
   Seebären {pl}
   Nördliche Seebär (Callorhinus ursinus)
fur seal
   fur seals
   Northern Fur Seal
Baird-Schnabelwal {m} (Berardius bairdii) [zool.]Baird's beaked whale; northern giant bottlenose whale; North Pacific bottlenose whale; giant four-toothed whale
Blauwal {m}; Riesenwal {m}; Großer nördlicher Furchenwal {m} (Balaenoptera musculus) [zool.]
   Blauwale {pl}; Riesenwale {pl}; Grosser nördlicher Furchenwalen {pl}
blue whale; great blue whale; great northern rorqual; Sibbald's rorqual; sulphur bottom; silver bottom
   blue whales; great blue whales; great northern rorquals; Sibbald's rorquals; sulphur bottoms; silver bottoms
Entenwal {m} (Hyperoodon ampullatus) [zool.]
   Entenwale {pl}
northern bottlenose whale; North Atlantic bottlenose whale; bottlehead; steephead; flathead
   northern bottlenose whales; North Atlantic bottlenose whales; bottleheads; steepheads; flatheads
Nördlicher Glattdelfin {m} (Lissodelphis borealis) [zool.]northern right whale dolphin; pacific right whale porpoise
Nördlicher Glattwal {m}; Nordkaper; Nordatlantischer Glattwal {m}; Nordpazifik-Glattwal {m}; Biskayerwal {m}; Richtiger Wal (Eubalaena glacialis) [zool.]northern right whale; Biscayan right whale; black right whale; right whale
Nördliche Marianen-Inseln [geogr.]Northern Mariana Islands (mp)
das Vereinigte Königreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland [geogr.]
   Vereinigtes Königreich
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (uk)
   United Kingdom /UK/
Norddeutschland {n} [geogr.]Northern Germany; the North of Germany
Northern Territory; Nordterritorium (Territorium Australiens) <Australien>Northern Territory; capital: Darwin
London (Hauptstadt von Großbritannien und Nordirland)London (capital of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Birmingham (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)Birmingham (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Manchester (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)Manchester (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Leeds (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)Leeds (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Glasgow (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland - Schottland)Glasgow (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Scottland)
Liverpool (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)Liverpool (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Sheffield (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland)Sheffield (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Aberdeen (Stadt in Großbritannien und Nordirland - Schottland)Aberdeen (city in Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Scottland)
Bayreuth (Stadt in Nordbayern) [geogr.]Bayreuth (city in northern Bavaria, Germany)
Nordseite {f}north face; north side; northern side
Nordeuropa {n}Northern Europe
Baßtölpel {m} (Morus bassanus) [ornith.]northern gannet
Eissturmvogel {m} (Fulmarus glacialis) [ornith.]northern fulmar
Eistaucher {m} (Gavia immer) [ornith.]great northern diver
Habicht {m} (Accipiter gentilis) [ornith.]northern goshawk
Kiebitz {m} (Vanellus vanellus) [ornith.]northern lapwing
Löffelente {f} (Anas clypeata) [ornith.]northern shoveler
Meisenwaldsänger {m} (Parula americana) [ornith.]northern parula; parula warbler
Sperbereule {f} (Surnia ulula) [ornith.](Northern) hawk owl
Sperber {m} [ornith.]northern sparrow hawk
Spießente {f} (Anas acuta) [ornith.]northern pintail
Steinschmätzer {m} (Oenanthe oenanthe) [ornith.]northern wheatear
Uhu {m} (Bubo bubo) [ornith.]Eurasian eagle-owl; northern eagle owl
Waldohreule {f} (Asio otus) [ornith.](Northern) long-eared owl
Weißwangen-Wehrvogel {m} [ornith.]northern screamer
Virginiawachtel {f} [ornith.]northern bobwhite
Gelbstirn-Blatthühnchen {n} [ornith.]northern jacana
Brownsittich {m} [ornith.]northern rosella
Gnomenkauz {m} [ornith.]northern pygmy owl
Chaparralfliegenstecher {m} [ornith.]northern beardless tyrannulet
Aschkehl-Krummschnabel {m} [ornith.]northern bentbill
Nördliche Rauhflügelschwalbe {f} [ornith.]northern rough-winged swallow
Schillingsbülbül {m} [ornith.]northern brownbul
Spottdrossel {f} [ornith.]northern mockingbird
Augenstreif-Scheindrossel {f} [ornith.]northern scrub robin
Rußschmätzer {m} [ornith.]northern anteater chat
Graunackentimalie {f} [ornith.]northern jery
Bronzedrossling {m} [ornith.]northern pied babbler
Braunbauchsylvietta [ornith.]northern crombec
Witwenfächerschwanz {m} [ornith.]northern fantail
Jerichonektarvogel {m} [ornith.]northern orange-tufted sunbird
Preussnektarvogel {m} [ornith.]northern double-collared sunbird
Drosselwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]northern water-thrush
Baltimoretrupial [ornith.]northern oriole
Riedweber {m} [ornith.]northern brown-throated weaver
Goldmantelweber {m} [ornith.]northern masked weaver
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