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Übersetze 'Atlantic'Translate 'Atlantic'
17 Ergebnisse17 results
atlantisch {adj} [geogr.]Atlantic
Atlantischer Delfin {m} [zool.]
   Atlantische Delfine {pl}
Atlantic Humpback Dolphin; Cameroon Dolphin
   Atlantic Humpback Dolphins; Cameroon Dolphins
Atlantischer Weißseitendelfin {m} [zool.]
   Atlantische Weißseitendelfine {pl}
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin; Jumper; Springer
   Atlantic White-sided Dolphins; Jumpers; Springers
Atlantikwall {m} [mil.] [hist.]Atlantic Wall (Nazi defensive works against invasion from England)
Fischfang {m}; Fischerei {f}
   Fischerei in der Nordsee
   Fischerei im Nordostatlantik
   Fischerei in der Ostsee und den Belten
   Unfälle beim Fischfang
   Übereinkommen über das Verhalten beim Fischfang im Nordatlantik
   North Sea Fishing; North Sea Fisheries
   North East Atlantic Fishing; North East Atlantic Fisheries
   Fishing / Fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
   accidents during fishing operations
   Convention on conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
großer Teich [humor.] (Atlantik)
   über den/dem großen Teich
   mein Cousin aus Übersee
the pond; the big pond [Br.] (the Atlantic Ocean)
   across the pond / on the other side of the pond
   my cousin from across the pond
Wolffisch {m}; Seewolf {m}; Steinbit {m} [zool.]seawolf; Atlantic wolffish; Atlantic catfish; wolf eel; sea cat
südöstlich {adj}
   Südöstlicher Atlantik
   Southeast Atlantic
Atlantischer Delfin {m}; Kamerun-Delfin {m}; Kamerun-Flussdelfin {m} (Sousa teuszii) [zool.]Atlantic humpback dolphin; Atlantic humpbacked dolphin; Cameroon dolphin
Atlantischer Fleckendelfin {m}; Atlantischer gefleckter Delfin {m}; Zügeldelfin {m} (Stenella frontalis) [zool.]spotted dolphin; Atlantic spotted dolphin; Gulf Stream spotted dolphin; spotter; spotted porpoise; bridled dolphin; long-snouted dolphin
Atlantischer Weissseitendelfin {m}; Nordischer Delfin {m}; Springer (Lagenorhynchus acutus) [zool.]Atlantic white-sided dolphin; jumper; springer; lag; North Atlantic dolphin
Blainvilles-Schnabelwal {m} (Mesoplodon densirostris) [zool.]Blainville's beaked whale; Atlantic beaked whale; dense beaked whale; tropical beaked whale
Entenwal {m} (Hyperoodon ampullatus) [zool.]
   Entenwale {pl}
northern bottlenose whale; North Atlantic bottlenose whale; bottlehead; steephead; flathead
   northern bottlenose whales; North Atlantic bottlenose whales; bottleheads; steepheads; flatheads
Gewöhnlicher Grindwal {m}; Schwarzwal {m}; Langflossen-Grindwal {m} (Globicephala melas) [zool.]long-finned pilot whale; Atlantic pilot whale; Caaing whale; pothead; blackfish
Atlantik {m}; Atlantischer Ozean [geogr.]Atlantic; Atlantic Ocean
Papageitaucher {m} (Fratercula arctica) [ornith.]Atlantic puffin
Nato {f} (Nordatlantikpakt) /NATO/North Atlantic Treaty Organization /NATO/
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