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Übersetze 'alluvial'Translate 'alluvial'
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angeschwemmt {adj} [geol.]alluvial
Alluvialboden {m} [geol.]alluvial soil
Auen {pl}alluvial area; alluvial land
Auenerweiterung {f}expansion of alluvial areas
Auenschutz {m}protection of alluvial areas
Flussaue {f}; Überschwemmungsgebiet {n}; Inundationsfläche {f}
   Flussauen {pl}; Überschwemmungsgebiete {pl}; Inundationsflächen {pl}
flood plain; flood land; inundated area; flooded area; submerged area; flood ground; alluvial flat; river flat
   flood plains; flood lands; inundated areas; flooded areas; submerged areas; flood grounds; alluvial flats; river flats
Flussterrasse {f}; Flußterrasse {f} [alt]
   Flussterrassen {pl}; Flußterrassen {pl}
fluvial terrace; river terrace; alluvial terrace; floodplain terrace; river bench; alluvial bench
   fluvial terraces; river terraces; alluvial terraces; floodplain terraces; river benches; alluvial benches
Schwemmkegel {m}
   Schwemmkegel {pl}
debris cone; alluvial cone
   debris cones; alluvial cones
Schwemmlandebene {f} [geol.]alluvial plain
Schwemmsand {m}alluvial sand
angeschwemmt [550+] [geol.]alluvial; alluvian; alluvious
Auflandung {n}; Anlandung {f}; Aggradation {f} [550+] [geol.]filling-up; silting-up; blocking-up; colmatage; aggradation; accretion; alluvium; alluvial deposit
Schuttkegel {m} [550+] [geol.]talus cone; alluvial cone; detrital fan; alluvial outfall fan; heap of debris
Seife {f} [550+] [geol.]placer (deposit); alluvial deposit
Seifenabbau {m} [550+] [geol.]placer mining; alluvial working
Seifengold {n} [550+] [geol.]placer gold; alluvial gold; driftal gold; river gold
Talaue {f} [550+] [geol.]valley plain; valley flat; flood plain; river plain; alluvial flat
basiert auf der Wortliste von dict.tu-chemnitz.de