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Übersetze 'stratification'Translate 'stratification'
12 Ergebnisse12 results
Schichtenbildung {f} (Soziologie)stratification
Stratifizierung {f}stratification
Dichteschichtung {f}density stratification
Schichtung {f}; Lagerung {f} [geol.]
   Schichtungen {pl}
stratification; bedding; layering; sheeting
Ablagerungsfläche {f}
   Ablagerungsflächen {pl}
deposition plane; bedding stratification plane
   deposition planes; bedding stratification planes
Kreuzschichtung {f} [geol.]cross-bedding; cross stratification; cross lamination]; false bedding; crisscross bedding
Lagerung {f} [geol.]attitude; bedding; stratification
Muldenschichtung {f} [550+] [geol.]trough cross stratification; festoon cross lamination
Schichtfläche {f} [550+] [geol.]
   Schichtflächen {pl}
bedding plane; cleat plane; stratification plane; deposition plane; cleat
   bedding planes; cleat planes; stratification planes; deposition planes; cleats
Schichtfuge {f} [geol.]
   Schichtfugen {pl}
bedding plane; bedding joint; joint of bedded rocks; stratification line; cleaving grain
   bedding planes; bedding joints; joints of bedded rocks; stratification lines; cleaving grains
Schrägschichtung {f} [geol.]cross-bedding; cross stratification; cross lamination; false bedding
Wechsellagerung {f} [550+] [geol.]interbedding; interstratification; alternated stratification; alternate bedding
basiert auf der Wortliste von dict.tu-chemnitz.de